Welcome to Clifford Marshall!
The Clifford H. Marshall Elementary school was founded in September 1998. The school stands on the hill at 200 Moody Street at Quincy Point. This elementary school is a pioneer in the advancement of technology for the twenty-first century. It is fully equipped with a computer lab facility, an in-house video broadcasting system, classroom telephones, and central air conditioning. The school is dedicated in loving memory of the late Clifford H. Marshall (1937-1995). Mr. Marshall, a Ward Two resident, dedicated his life to politics. He represented the Quincy Point community as a member of the City Council in the early years of his career. In 1974, he was elected Sheriff of Norfolk County and served as Sheriff for over twenty years.
"My idea of politics is to help people" - Clifford H. Marshall
Message from the Principal:
One of the truly marvelous experiences in education is the way students and staffs alike begin anew every year when the bell tolls. A fresh start is a great opportunity to refocus our efforts and rekindle our dedication to developing self-fulfilling individuals, contributing citizens, and competent workers in a democratic society. Add to that a beautiful school building, combined with the strong historical roots of both the Pollard and Daniel Webster Schools, and then you choose a name to honor a very special person like Clifford Marshall—it is hard to contain the joy and happiness that is ours. We are proud to honor his name and to continue his efforts of helping others.
Piaget once said, "What an individual can learn and how he learns it depends on what model he has available." We are blessed indeed to have the best models available. From our outstanding staff to our new computer lab, from our beautiful gymnasium to our multi-purpose cafeteria, from our spacious classrooms to our acres of play space, we are the recipients in a city that values and promotes excellence in education. It is indeed an honor and a privilege for me to welcome you to our school.
Principal: Heather Patch, 617-984-8721
Assistant Principal: Justine Sullivan, 617-984-8721
At Clifford Marshall, our students are excited about learning - both in the classroom and outside the classroom. We know that students have very different needs. Some students need a little extra help to excel. Other students are ready to go beyond what they learn in the classroom. And all our students want to have fun!
Extended day offerings change during the year based on the identified needs of our students and the funding available. Contact the school office to find out what we are offering currently. Current and/or recent extended day offerings at Clifford Marshall include: Sports and More, Art Around the World, Intro to Piano, Board Games Club, Sketch Book Club, Mindfulness, Move - Dance Club, Math Games and More, Community Leaders, MCAS Prep Program, Grade 1 Afterschool, and Hydroponics.